OSHO Energy Counseling Training I. CHAKRA ANATOMY – Online Seminar

Date / Time:

Feb 21, 2021 - May 23, 2021
10:00 - 18:00


Centrum Skalka 22 / CZ


Energy Counseling Training

– Module I of the three upcoming modules is an online seminar – 

Module 1 gives a profound understanding about the 7 chakras and is the basis for the following energy reading training in module 2. It can also be used as a basic chakra experience for beginners.

As our physical body has a certain structure of bones, muscles, tissues, etc. so have our subtle bodies in the aura and the related chakras. The chakra system is an eastern approach to describe the development of human consciousness, as there are western theories on the mental, psychological and moral human development. The training will combine both.

In the first module of the training we will explore the sequence of the 7 chakras in an experiential as well as theoretical way.

The participants will experience the different energies in each chakra and the way these energies express themselves in their own unique way.

The theoretical part will refer to:

  • The chakra map / the aura
  • Chakra related issues: What is the healthy expression of each chakra?
  • What issues can develop in each chakra because of childhood conditioning, traumas etc., which disturb the natural energy flow?
  • Male / female expression of each chakra
  • The hara


The seminar starts on Monday  February 8th, 10:00 am – 18.00 pm. It is a 2 weekly all day online seminar with the following dates:

Febr.   21

March 7 / 21

April 11 / 25

May 9 / 23

Cancelation conditions
If you cancel your participation 3 weeks before the workshop, your deposit will be returned. After this date, we apply the following Cancelation Terms & Conditions.

The workshop is conducted in English with Czech translation.

Pls. register on our Czech website: www.sugandho.cz 

For more information contact Lalitya: +420 739 374 258

or at inner-alchemy@sugandho.cz

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