OSHO Energy Counseling Training – Module 2

Date / Time:

Jun 14, 2017 - Jun 17, 2017


Zen Groove / IL


Energy Counseling Training

This Module will be split into 2 parts on 2 following weekends and will have Russian translation

The Alchemy of Chakra Transformation through Awareness & Acceptance

Module 2: Energy Reading and Diagnostic Report

The energetic reading can make a vast difference in the direction in which we can find a solution to our issues in life. As intuition is far apart from logic, energy reading is not an analysis nor is it based on the personal feeling or learned knowledge of the reader. Instead we rely upon the qualities of meditation and love, to facilitate a transformation, to encourage individual growth.

In order to learn the ability of clear perception and acceptance of subtle energies in the first place we need to let go of the rationality and projections of the mind. The best approach is through the doorway of the heart chakra, where we can learn to receive and to fall in tune, and be in harmony with the natural state of existence. The heart is a feminine space, in which both men and women can learn to balance their own energies and also support others to do so as well.

Once the intuition of the heart has become our foundational inner guide we can then move onto the discovery of how the feminine qualities of acceptance and unconditional love plus the masculine qualities of clarity and awareness become our two main tools in energy reading and two main resources in helping people find their solutions to their life questions.

Skills of energy reading:

–       Perception Clarity: Intuition of the Heart

–       Discovering the Transformational Quality of each chakra and of the whole energy system

–       Practicing energy readings for all chakras plus inner male and female energies

–       Listening and talking skills connected to supporting the Transformational Quality of Awareness and Acceptance

–       Giving a diagnostic report of the chakra energies

Energy Reading and Diagnostic Report together is the first half of the Energy Counseling Session. In this module the participants will learn how to read another person’s energy in each chakra and how to create a diagnostic report from it. In module 3 (taking place in 2009) counseling skills for a complete Energy Counseling Session will be added.


For further information and booking

please contact Veetnisha, Tel.: +972 (0)54 776 8911 or Deesha, Tel. +972(0)54-469 3125

E-mail: bubamara@gmail.com or inner-alchemy_il@sugandho.org

or find us on FB: OSHO Institute for Inner Alchemy and Meditation

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