Inner Man – Inner Woman – The Hidden Half

In this workshop, we explore the relationship between our inner male and female qualities. Born from our mother’s and father’s genes we all carry female and male qualities in us. Many women/men are not consciously in touch with these different qualities and therefore often fight, deny or feel confused by this duality. A deep understanding of our inner male/inner female side helps us to balance and integrate our female and male energies. It is a great step towards freedom and inner strength if we can recognize the male and female duality as two complementary energies within.
The work with our inner male/inner female side will naturally mirror the relationship with the outer men/outer woman in our lives. The outer man/outer woman is a reflection of our inner male/female qualities and the conflicts with the outer man/woman really mirror the conflict of male and female energies within.
Osho points at a new dimension of freedom in the relationship between men and women: not the woman fighting against the man, but women & men -together- breaking through the conditioning of the collective.
A 4 days process for women and men, full of discoveries and surprises.
The workshop is led in English with Czech translation if necessary.
For further information and booking please contact:
Lalitya: +420 739 374 258
Find us on Facebook: Institute for Inner-Alchemy and Meditation