From Death to Birth – A Perinatal Journey – Symbiosis between Parents and Child

4. Event: Symbiotic Experience between Parents and Child
A One Day Workshop For Women and Men –
Unlike many newborns in nature, the human infant is not viable for a long time without permanent attention from parents. We are helpless, dependent and not very interested in our environment other than eating; especially in the first few weeks after birth. This phase of symbiosis is often described as an extension of pregnancy outside the womb.
A key feature of this phase is the perception of the newborn of mother and father as part of himself. The parents are not a counterpart, but we are a unit.
Parents must develop non-verbal language with the child, they must learn to recognize its needs without words and respond to them. Certain tones, sounds and body movements are the newborn’s form of communication that the parents learn to read. To do this, parents do not need a textbook or advice from outside, but rather a clear intuition and deep connection with their infant. Every child is different and individual. Therefore, advice from third parties based on the experience with their children is only transferable to a limited extent or not at all. Even sibling children are unique. It is a phase that can create a deep connection between parents and child and aims to create security and trust in the beginning of life.
The workshop will provide a safe environment to explore and connect with this vulnerable period of our lives.
We will use various simple body oriented methods like breathing, trance work, sensitive touch to reconnect with the memories stored in our bodies. It is a beautiful opportunity listening and connecting to our bodies again.
Sharing will allow us to connect with others, learn from each other and give our experiences meaning and value.
If this speaks to you, pls. keep the following dates:
28. March 2025 Symbiotic Experience between Parents and Child
25. April 2025 Introduction to Childhood Liberation
15 – 20 December 2025 6-days Childhood Liberation Seminar
The workshops are building on each other and take you on a perinatal journey to the beginning of your life. Each of the workshops is complete in itself and can be booked independently.
The workshops are not intended for pregnant women.
The last workshop in April is an Introduction to a 6 days primal based workshop, called Childhood Liberation, an in depth journey into the years of childhood from age 2-10 years. The previous series of perinatal workshops are a preparation or continuation to this work.
Please call if you have further questions, I am happy to answer your individual questions. This process is very dear to me and I would like you to understand the relevance it can have in your life.
Practical information
28. March 2025
Pls. arrive latest by 9.00 am for registration and check-in. The workshop begins Friday, 28. March 2025 at 9.30 am and ends at 5.30 pm.
Here and Now Center Gedera, Pines St. 44, 70700 Gedera / ISRAEL
About the Here & Now Center (see website):
We are a diverse group of people. People who work in various jobs, raise children, take part in a routine that is familiar to everyone. At some point in our lives we decided to go the way of developing self-awareness and self-care. In this way we try to bring awareness, direct our energy in and take full responsibility for our lives, while managing a similar routine of life.
For us, “walking the road” is an expression of vigilance, an expression of giving for the common good, an expression of an attempt to multiply well, an expression of help to others and the acceptance of the other.
We understand that this way is not over, we understand that walking the road is sometimes not easy and we know there is no purpose to reach. In our experience there is also the understanding that with learning, new degrees of freedom can be experienced and behaviour patterns that cause us suffering can be changed.
For learning about ourselves, we use diverse tools, workshops, meditations, personal processes and more. We help other people who have chosen to go this route. People with us “walk the road”.
Founded in 2011.
Workshop schedule:
From 9.30 am in the morning until 5.30 pm in the afternoon there will be 3-4 group sessions with different guided exercises and meditations related to the journey of pregnancy. The day will end with a sharing.
Workshop price: 350 ILS
To reserve a place in the workshop a pre-payment of 150 ILS is necessary. The rest of the money will be paid cash when checking in on the morning of the workshop.
Here & Now Center offers accommodation to stay over night.
1. Please, fill the workshop registration form here.
2. Send a deposit of 150 ILS to the following bank account:
Charlotte Luzius, Bank Ben Leumi / Bank No: 31 / Branch No: 017 / Account No: 980285
or send a message to School of Inner Alchemy if you want a PayBox link: 052-8565 100.
4. Pls. include your name and surname in the transfer details. We will confirm your registration by e-mail.
5. By registering to the workshop you agree with our cancellation conditions
We are looking forward to seeing you in the workshop.
For further information and booking please contact:
Find us on Facebook: Inner-Alchemy and Meditation
Join our Silent Whatsapp Group for Israel / International
You can reach Sugandho personally via
Whatsapp: +972 52 8565 100