Embracing Change – A Leap into the Unknown

Alchemy Of The 5th Chakra
The subject of change causes ambivalent feelings and reactions in us.
On the one hand we strive for permanence. It gives us a sense of safety and the feeling we are in control of our lives. On the other hand, we tend to get bored without new experiences. We have a need for daily news, we are excited about buying new clothes, we love traveling and exploring new places, countries, we want to make new friends and we want to know more about ourselves.
Some of us request more change and some of us need more permanence than others. And then, life does not always ask for our opinion or liking, it brings changes to all of us, sometimes at a speed hard to bear.
Yet meeting change does not have to be just accidental. Change is a natural part of our lives. Just by looking at the physical change process of our bodies throughout our lifetime makes the nature of change obvious and inescapable.
What if we apply some curiosity here? Can we learn to embrace change? What difference can the individual make when change steps into her/his life unexpectedly? Do we harm others when we initiate change?
From the perspective of the 5th chakra (throat chakra) we are meeting an interesting duality: the known and the unknown. Both states are an intrinsic reality of our energy system and we constantly move between these polarities. As mentioned above, the known gives us safety, the unknown brings creativity and new discovery. For example all scientific discoveries begin in the unknown. Creativity can only happen, if we leave the known behind and dare to make a leap into the unknown
No matter which aspect of our life we are looking at, our relationships, our emotional world, our professional career … If we embrace the unknown we open up to our creativity and new possibilities, if we accept our need for the known, it gives us the roots and stability to grow our branches into the open sky.
This workshop wants to give space to explore the possibilities for change and at the same acknowledge our need for safety and permanence.
We will be using Gestalt and NLP structures, voicing, sharings, dance and meditations to deepen our sensitivity towards ourselves and others. We will especially focus on the heart chakra to support us on the journey.
Bring your curiosity, there is an abundance of possibilities to be explored.
For further information and booking please contact
Anand Alzbeta Burianova
Tel.:+420 774 929 005 / Email: inner-alchemy@sugandho.cz
Practical details will come up soon!!!